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Halfway Done

Posted by on September 19, 2011

Well I’m officially halfway done with chemo.  Just 8 more treatments left.  Couldn’t come fast enough for me, let me tell ya.  I’m TIRED of chemo.  I’m tired of being bald.  I’m tired of being tired and having no energy.  I’m tired of taking 9 pills a day and getting shots.  I keep reminding myself that all of this is to assure I live a long, healthy, cancer-free life.  But whew it’s exhausting. 

Speaking of exhausting…my amazing friend Tanhya walked SIXTY miles this weekend for the 3 Day race for the cure (see pics below).  Kim and I went down to the opening ceremonies on Friday morning to see her off.  Then Colleen and I (and Colleen’s gorgeous little girls) met up with Tanhya at mile 50 yesterday and shared lunch with her.  Poor T was real, real tired after 50 long miles.  I was so touched and amazed at her resilience and dedication to walking.  She raised $3,000 to help find a cure for breast cancer.  While we were waiting for her a walker came up to me and asked if she could give me a hug (I was wearing a scarf, so clearly a cancer patient).  She said she was a survivor and to not give up hope.  It was just another amazing example of the incredible community I now find myself a part of. 

Anyway, I’m feeling encouraged and at the same time scooped out.  The shots I’m getting (I gave myself one today!) are making me super, super achy.  And I’m feeling blobby thanks to my metabolism slowing down (due to menopause).   But at least I’m not as nauseous now.  so that’s something!  Anyway, halfway down…8 more to go.  And hopefully I’ll know soon whether I’ll need radiation.  I’m desperately hoping I won’t so I can be completely done in November…but we shall see.  I’ll update again soon! xo

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