Hi friends and family! Well I’ve been neglecting this blog horribly. I think this will be my final blog for the time being. Now that I am FINISHED with treatment!!! Such a wonderful sentence to write. I’ll fill you in on the last few weeks…
The last 2 weeks of radiation treatment were actually pretty tough. I developed 2nd degree burns over my chest and underarm. It was just raw and painful. Luckily I healed up fairly quickly after radiation ended (on 1/16/12). Now there’s a hilarious tan square that shows the radiation area. The last tan I’ll have there for a while (sun exposure is NOT a good thing for me anymore).
I meet with my oncologist next Friday to find out when I’ll get another scan. But I’m fully expecting to be completely and totally cancer free. Yeah! I will probably go on tamoxifen for the next few years. That’s a pill that I’ll take daily to blocks the estrogen receptor (estrogen is what my cancer fed on). So between tamoxifen and scans every 6 months or so, I am sure I will have no reoccurrence of this damn disease.
I’m feeling pretty good these days. Still tired unfortunately, but I know fatigue usually lasts at least 6 months after treatment ends. I really need to start exercising on a regular basis, which will help with my overall energy and strength. I’m taking a fun trip with Kim in a few weeks. We’re jetting off to Iceland for 4 days! It’s a direct flight from Seattle (just 7 hours!) and we’ll be hiking a glacier and seeing the Northern Lights. Obviously a trip of a lifetime!
I also got an indoor skydiving gift certificate from my wonderful sis-in-law and mom-in-law. Can’t wait to do that as well! I’m going to fully embrace adventures and hopefully keep the perspective that the big C has given me. Hug your family and friends often and don’t put off anything you want to do in life. If anything, I’m glad I’ll have this blog to remind me of this journey and that very important lesson. Thank you for joining me on this wild ride…I’m glad to step off the roller coaster for now.
All my love….Michelle (ps look I’m really starting to get hair now!)
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