Author Archives: michelle
So very happy…today is my last chemo treatment! What a relief to know that (hopefully) I will never again have to have this tough stuff pumped through my veins. Although I have to admit it’s a little bitersweet to have the comfort and routine of treatment ending. I love my nurses and doctor so much…I’ll … Continue reading
End is in sight
Updating my blog from the new comfy chairs at swedish. Its treatment #15 today…I am DONE with chemo next week! and seriously, not a minute too soon. My poor body is really starting to show the affects of all this poison. My counts are real low today (white and red blood cells) and I’m pretty … Continue reading
Hats and Hair
Hi friends. My hair is starting to sloooooowly grow back, so I figured I’d share some pictures with you. I still look like a nuclear war survivor, but at least there’s a little fuzz there! I also got a couple of new hats to wear this winter, so I’ve included those pictures below as well. … Continue reading
Hi all. It’s been a nice relaxing week. So much more energy when I can nap everyday. I’ve had some fun kitten treats lately. Michelle and Sean brought over their kitten, Apple (first pic below). And Brandon and Wouter (in Amsterdam) sent me a picture of their new kitten, Moses (2nd pic below). Don’t you … Continue reading
Getting treatment number 12 today. Only 4 more after today! The past week has been filled with rest and relaxation and it’s made a significant difference. I have way more energy for Desmond when he gets home from daycare. And Brian has noticed a big change in my overall health. So that’s nice. I start … Continue reading
Radiation plan and time off
Sitting here getting treatment with my warm blanket and turkey sandwich. They treat us patients well here at Swedish. I met with the radiologist this week, a wonderful doc named Astrid Morris. She has FIVE kids – two sets of twins and a 18 mo old. Made me feel exhausted just hearing about it. We … Continue reading
Generosity and Caring
Hello friends. You would think five months after my diagnosis thoughts of me and my cancer would fade from friends’ minds. But the love, caring and generosity just continues to pour in. From ongoing notes of encouragement (Beth B.’s weekly card, Lori & Jim’s cards that always make me laugh, notes from long lost friends … Continue reading
Fall has arrived
I’m curled up on the couch in a warm comfy blanket as the rain beats down outside. I’m using up my last vacation day of the year (our vacation starts over in October) and it is the perfect day for relaxing and watching movies under a warm blanket. And it’s always a fantastic day when … Continue reading
Halfway Done
Well I’m officially halfway done with chemo. Just 8 more treatments left. Couldn’t come fast enough for me, let me tell ya. I’m TIRED of chemo. I’m tired of being bald. I’m tired of being tired and having no energy. I’m tired of taking 9 pills a day and getting shots. I keep reminding myself … Continue reading
September update
Sorry for the radio silence, I hate when I neglect my blog. Things are going okay although I’m definitely starting to feel more tired. After 7 treatments (8th on Friday), the fatigue is setting in. I can’t imagine how tired I’ll be after all 16 treatments. On the one hand I only have 9 treatments to go….on … Continue reading