Author Archives: michelle
So far…so good!
Well this Taxol is treating me all right! I was a bit nauseated Sunday and Monday…and definitely very tired. But compared to the red devil…this is MUCH better. I took it easy this past weekend and Brian (as always) made sure I got lots of rest and didn’t have to chase Desmond around too much. … Continue reading
First Taxol Treatment
Hi friends and family! Today was my first Taxol chemo treatment. First up was my usual blood tests. My white blood count was 10.2!! An all time high (even higher than before I started chemo). Unfortunately my red blood count has taken a beating and it’s really low. Which means I’m anemic and totally explains … Continue reading
Fabulous LA Trip
I just got back from a wonderful 3 days down in LA. I went down with Colleen and our friend from Chicago, Kimberly. We had a fantastic time, full of sunning ourselves pool side, shopping, dinners out and we even went dancing (ok, I only danced to two songs – but still)! It was such … Continue reading
Lowest WBC Count Yet
Hi friends. Well I had my blood test yesterday and had an EXTREMELY low white blood cell count. It was at .5 (less than a 1). My other levels looked alright and I don’t have a fever or show any signs of sickness, so they let me go home. Otherwise if I had a fever … Continue reading
Last sick week (hopefully)
I’m sitting here at Swedish (or the spa-spital as Kim calls itYt) with my reclined comfy chair and warm blankets. Second day of fluids and anti-nausea meds which should help with the normal sickness this week. And after this week I should have very little if no nausea. Whoop! I had a pretty nasty bout … Continue reading
Bye Red Devil! Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
I am officially done with my first round of chemo! Yippee! About 9 or 10 days of feeling crappy, and then no more!! I start my taxol chemo on 8/26. That will be every week through 11/11/11. What a cool date to finish chemo, right? Everyone assures me Taxol is waaaaay better than the red … Continue reading
Makes me happy
One of my guilty pleasures is Coldplay. And this video and song just thrills me. They are so good at the big emotional build. Love it! Check it out…
Surviving the week
Hi friends. It’s been a while since I’ve posted so I figured I should do a quick update. I’m definitely getting more tired than ever before. The cumulative affects of chemo have started to catch up with me. When I’m able to stay home I’m napping one or two times a day – which totally … Continue reading
3 down…13 to go!
Had my 3rd chemo treatment today. Feeling real tired from the ‘amend’ which is one of the anti-nausea meds but no nausea yet. In fact I just polished off a bowl of americone dream ice cream. Delish! I have no doubt the nausea will kick in by morning, but I’m going in for fluids and … Continue reading
Just when I’m feeling up…
…my poor little guy gets sick. Desmond had a rough weekend that has unfortunately extended to today. He’s had some epic diarrhea and was up from 12am – 2am last night. Needless to say Brian and I are a little exhausted. I’m supposed to be real careful about getting exposed to germs, but it’s pretty much … Continue reading